Empowering Women Through Seed Distribution: A Path to Food Security and Nutrition

With support from Egmont Trust, the Foundation for Community Livelihood and Development (FOCOLD) distributed various seeds to women affected and infected by HIV and AIDS. Many of these women are marginalized, including widows and divorcees raising children on their own. The distribution included essential crops such as maize, soya beans, pigeon peas, groundnuts, cassava tubers, […]
Women Economic Empowerment through Vibrant Village Women Beekeeping Project

FOCOLD is committed to enhancing the livelihoods of marginalized women, particularly those who are divorced or widowed, through sustainable beekeeping initiatives. To support this mission, FOCOLD has provided 100 modern beehives across three Traditional Authorities: 30 in Traditional Authority Lundu, 30 in Traditional Authority Makata, and 40 in Traditional Authority Kunthembwe. By equipping women with […]
Maize and Millet Business

Christina Kantuwera belongs to Chifundo Economic support group she is a widow, being a member of the group, she participated in business management training
Provision of Goats

Margret is a widow with seven children. She has been admiring goats from her friends who had livestock. The provision of goats has really assisted her as she is able to get manure from the goats and apply in her garden.
Manure Making

Emily Tembo of Tikondane Economic support group is one of the women benefited from training in modern farming which include manure making.